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Analyttica’s Strengths


Analyttica’s team comprising of AI & NLP SME’s is well positioned to drive impact for clients by contextualizing open-source Gen AI applications on business data in a white-box approach


Deep technology platform and a powerful AI engine facilities faster build time, ingestion of best-in-class open-source and custom-built algorithms and ease in solution deployment, with transparent collaboration among teams.

Analyttica’s Generative AI Capabilities

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Data Engineering Process - Capabilities

Process Stage Purpose Tools / Technologies Alternate Tools/Technologies
Data Ingestion Stream Processing
Batch Processing
Connectors Apache Kafka / Flume / Sqoop
Data Storage/Warehousing Data (Schema/No-schema) Aggregation and Storing AWS S3, Snowflake Google Cloud Storage
Relational databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL, etc.)
Data warehousing solutions (Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery)
Data Transformation Data transformation as per problem DBT
Python (Jupyter)
Apache Beam
AWS Glue
Data Visualisation & Reporting Interactive Dashboards and Visualization Tableau
Power BI
Google Data Studio
Mapbox, Carto
Data Sharing Reporting Confluence Word, PDF

ML Ops Process - Capabilities

Process Stage Purpose Tools Alternate Tools
Data Analysis and Preprocessing Data cleaning
Exploratory data analysis (EDA)
DBT Databricks
Google Data Studio
Experimentation and Modelling Model training
Hyperparameter tuning
MLFlow (for experiment tracking)
Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit-learn, Pyspark, PyTorch, Spacy, OpenAI, Langchain, Cohere, Pinecone
Feature Store Feature versioning
Feature weights storage from models
Feast Tecton+A40
Code Repository Version control
Code review
Bitbucket Git
ML Pipeline Automated model deployment Kubeflow Pipelines Apache Airflow
Metadata Store Store experiment metadata
Track model versions
Kubeflow Metadata MLFlow
Weights & Biases Artifacts
Model Registry Model versioning
Model lineage tracking
MLFlow Model Registry DVC
Model Serving Model serving
API endpoint creation
Kubeflow KFServing TensorFlow Serving
Model Monitoring Model performance tracking
Data drift detection
Evidently Grafana

Data Engineering & ML Ops Process - Programming Capabilities

Below are the list of Programming languages along with their usage in Data Engineering & MLOps

Programming Language Usage in Data Engineering & MLOPs
Python Python due to its extensive libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, and Pandas. Every stage from data processing, modelling, serving, to monitoring can involve Python.
Java Java is used in big data technologies (like Apache Kafka, Apache Hadoop) and is used for model deployment, especially when integrating with enterprise systems.
Scala Scala runs JVM (Java Virtual Machine), and Scala based framework (Apache Spark)commonly used in data engineering tasks within MLOps.
Go (Galang) Golang is used for efficiency and scalability, widely used in Kubernetes which is essential for orchestrating containers in MLOps for model deployment and scaling.
Javascript JavaScript is used for web applications, When serving models via web applications or developing monitoring dashboards, JavaScript and its frameworks (like React, Angular) can be utilized. TensorFlow.js allows machine learning directly in the browser or on Node.js.
SQL SQL is widely used for tasks like feature extraction, data aggregation, and data validation, SQL can be essential, especially when interfacing with relational databases.
Shell Scripting Shell Scripting is used for automating deployment pipelines, data fetching, and other operational tasks often require shell scripts.
YAML YAML is crucial in MLOps for defining configurations, especially in tools like Kubernetes and CI/CD pipelines.


Python due to its extensive libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, and Pandas. Every stage from data processing, modelling, serving, to monitoring can involve Python.


Java is used in big data technologies (like Apache Kafka, Apache Hadoop) and is used for model deployment, especially when integrating with enterprise systems.


Scala runs JVM (Java Virtual Machine), and Scala based framework (Apache Spark)commonly used in data engineering tasks within MLOps

Go (Golang)

Golang is used for efficiency and scalability, widely used in Kubernetes which is essential for orchestrating containers in MLOps for model deployment and scaling


JavaScript is used for web applications, When serving models via web applications or developing monitoring dashboards, JavaScript and its frameworks (like React, Angular) can be utilized. TensorFlow.js allows machine learning directly in the browser or on Node.js.


SQL is widely used for tasks like feature extraction, data aggregation, and data validation, SQL can be essential, especially when interfacing with relational databases.

Shell Scripting

Shell Scripting is used for automating deployment pipelines, data fetching, and other operational tasks often require shell scripts.


YAML is crucial in MLOps for defining configurations, especially in tools like Kubernetes and CI/CD pipelines.

Accuracy Enhancements in Resolution Step Identification Solution

  • Unique Resolution Step (Text data based) Identification are resolutions for customers queries
  • Developed an AI/ML solution to predict
    the resolution step to be recommended to the customers by support reps
  • Improve solution accuracy compared on actual recommendation given by rep

Accuracy Enhancement in Support Ticket Classification Solution

  • Predict the category of tickets generated (text data based)
  • Improve Ticket Category solution accuracy
  • Continuous experimentation, to build layered solution that has multiple Machine Learning and Semantic/Keyword layers
  • Implementation of latest Gen AI algorithms (Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB) Leaderboard)
  • White-box approach to drive incremental results
  • Leverage of Analyttica’s LEAPS platform solution development & deployment
  • The solution covers 98% of ticket volume through prediction of 34 Ticket Categories
  • Solution Accuracy is 75%
  • Uses state-of-the-art LLM algorithms for encoding and decoding
Empowering Business Growth Through Advanced Analytics & AI Solutions

Impact Case: ML Application & JSON Data Parsing

Business Objective

To drive better customer experience through
faster resolution cycle by predicting the category of user raised queries which enables query assignment to relevant
resolution team.

Data Engineering Objective

To support and maintain continuity of
client-side data pipeline by integrating ML
based custom solution using JSON based APIs supporting both real-time and batch mode requests

Impact Case: Data Engineering Overview for a Growth Phase Fintech

Business Objective

To drive overall growth via expanding product mix, new customer acquisitions and improving cross sells to existing customer

Data Engineering Objective

To support the growth objective by continuously evolving data infrastructure
To enhance analytics capabilities, speed and accuracy of data-driven decisioning

Management Team & Key Talent Profiles

Ankit Mahna
AVP - Analytics & AI
Exp: 10+ Years
Education: MBA - IIM

Vishwanath Paramashetti
AVP - Data Science
Exp: 10+ Years
Education: BE

Varadharajan Sridharan
Principal Data Scientist
Exp: 6+ Years
Education: PG - Data Science IIT

Arkadeep Banerjee
Principal Analyst
Exp: 7+ Years
Education: Btech

Impact Case: BI-Layer Migration from Legacy Hadoop / Tableau structure to Snowflake / Looker structure